
The merchant portal gives each client access to a variety of tools to administer there merchant configuration as well as provide access to reporting and marketing facility’s
Available to each merchant in the portal is:

  • Reporting/Usage statistics

  • Service creation: ability to create and configure multiple products for use across client’s PFI sites

  • Customer Care: ability to view usage information for an end user as well as manage opt-outs.

  • Marketing: Ability for clients to send marketing messages to users of their service including link

  • access to client’s site. Supports predefined options as well as custom CSV uploads and scheduling.

  • Merchant Administration

Service / Product Setup

The Below URL grants access to the PFI Merchant Portal. This portal allows merchants to administer the core functionality of their PFI service as well as setting up new products for immediate use. Upon Competition of your initial setup you will be provided login credentials per user you specify in your configuration form.


Merchant Portal Catagories

Customer Care:
Allows the Merchant or customer care team to search based on a plain text msisdn (not PFI encrypted value) it will show the last 6 months’ worth of transactions and status’s

This allows the creation of products that will be used on a per merchant basis.
All product types can be created and updated here.

Report’s available to Merchants are: Revenue, Usage, Browsing and marketing.
All reports can be set for a time period as merchants need (12 Months Max)

A merchant can select per product, the ability to initiate a scheduled or immediate marketing drop to users of that service (only users of that service that have chosen to opt in)
This is a SMS with max usable Char length of 108.
A drop can be done per product or a Merchant can upload a custom csv list of their own.
(same rules about opted in users apply for upload)
The upload CSV format only accepts encrypted aliases as provided to merchant on the PFI system. The CSV format should be as per below example:

arvVJqAo2o2054/XAWWAdw==,This is the marketing message what we want to send to a user
ZGqaz+7ufEYWqkT0pRJ/UQ==,This is another marketing message from PFI

Allows a merchant to take a plain MSiSDN and convert it into a PFI encrypted alias. Useful for tracing traffic received via notifications.