The payment pages are accessed via either a simple hyperlink on the merchant site or via a browser redirect. The URL takes the following format:
http://<pfi billing url>/checkout/?sid=<ServiceId>&ref=<TransactionRef>&render=<flow>&desc=<Description>
<a href="http://pfi.imimobile.net/checkout/?sid=123&ref=prod001">Buy Me !</a>
This is all that is required once appropriate setup of the service is completed within the merchant portal.
Available parameters and there function:
Name | Param | Description |
ServiceId | sid | The Id of the service the end user should be charged for. This Id is generated during service creation in the PFI Merchant Portal |
TransactionRef | ref | Optional. A reference to the transaction. This parameter is returned on the success\fail URL and HTTP Notification |
Render | render | Optional. When set to embed the payment pages will render the embedded Payforit payment flow. Please note: Your iframe should be at least 220px by 180px. |
Description | desc | Optional. The name of the product or service to be displayed on the acceptance of charge page and in the SMS Receipt |
Mobile number | msisdn | Optional. Merchant can pass in the user’s mobile number if they already have it. This will prepopulate the msisdn entry box upon loading |
Return URL
When an attempt at billing has taken place, the end user is returned to the pre-configured Success or Failure URLs. These URLs are configured in the PFI Merchant Portal and can be setup per service and\or merchant.
The return URL will be appended with the following parameters:
Param | Description |
tid (int) | The unique Id of the transaction |
ref (string(50)) | Optional. The reference of the transaction. This is the ref parameter passed into the Payment Pages API method. |
time (datetime) | The time of the transaction |
status (int) | The billing status of the transaction. See Transaction Status Values |
type (string(4)) | The type of transaction. One of: • SUB = Subscription • PPE = Pay Per Event • SC = Single Click • STOP = Subscription stop message |
sid (int) | The id of the service |
msisdn (string(12)) | Optional. The MSISDN of the end user. If the transaction failed this will be empty. The MSISDN will be provided in T2B alias format See T2B alias section for further information. |
networkid (int) | Optional. The network of the end user. If the transaction failed this will be 0. |
hash | An MD5 hash of the query string appended with the merchant token. See Hash Creation |
An example of a return URL is: