
The notifications are sent as a HTTP GET to a preconfigured notification URL. The notification will have the following parameters:

tidThe unique Id of the transaction
refOptional. The reference of the transaction. This is the ref parameter passed into the Payment Pages or the TransactionReference passed into the CreateSingleClickTransaction API method.
timeThe time of the transaction
statusThe billing status of the transaction. See Transaction Status Values
typeThe type of transaction. One of:
sub = Subscription
ppe = Pay Per Event
sc = Single Click
stop = Subscription stop notification
ajax: Ajax Billing transaction
reminder:reminder notification has been sent to an end user for a given transaction
sidThe Id of the service.
msisdnOptional. The MSISDN of the end user. If the transaction failed this will be empty.
The MSISDN will be provided in international format without the leading +. E.g. 447701020304
networkidOptional. The network of the end user. If the transaction failed this will be 0.
hashAn MD5 hash of the query string appended with the merchant token. See Hash Creation under "General information"
http://< merchant Notification URL>?tid=12345&ref=1317a5faa1450e6e39edf26f8c